Friday 8 January 2010

Wintery Conditions at Dovedale

Had a walk up Dovedale with the dog this morning. When I arrived at the car park, mine was the only car there. I couldn't get my coat and gloves on fast enough because it was so cold and if I had brought my rod with me, I'm afraid I would have given it a miss.

As I got further up towards Ilam Rock though, the sun was getting into the valley, and fishing would have been much more comfortable.

The river is running a couple of centimetres up and very clear. I saw the odd fish move but most were hiding away.

As I neared the end of my walk, I saw a really dodgy looking angler and thought I'd better steer clear of him. As I walked back towards the car, I could hear him shouting obscenities at me, in a very broad, potteries accent.



  1. Does GP ever do a full days work?

    I'm clearly only jealous!


  2. Ey Up Roger,


    Everytime I go to a river...he turns up.

    woops, what does that say about me!?!


