Four months has flown by since I moved to Islay. Five successful Fly Fish Islay trips, a house move and a fantastic new job...phew what a year! The weather has been amazing today. I took these pics while out and about with the dog. We've seen some rough weather too and I've had a few interesting moments from scary plane landings to killing the car in a flood. The weather man keeps threatening snow but it's unlikely we'll see much of it here on Islay. I'm sure there will be a good dose of it in the Staffordshire Moorlands. Every time I go back down South it is always a good few degrees colder there. When I bump into people on Derby Street they always ask if I'm glad to be back for a warm such is their misunderstanding of West Coast weather.
It won't be long until the first Fly Fish Islay trips of 2013 will be under way. Glen, Léonie and I are hoping to arrange a trip for late April. Last April Glen and I hosted a trip based at Loch Skerrols and the lunchtime rises of the Brown Trout were something to be seen. Please be in touch if you would like to join Glen on our trips in 2013, to enjoy the magic of Islay, it's amazing fishing and of course a few wee drams....